Here are some various pictures of Will taken during 2005

Will's Bow Project

Will decided he wanted to make an bow and arrow since he is a
big Lord of the Rings fan so he set out to a working bow and arrow.
He found all the suitable pieces and with a little bit of technical assistance
from Dad he got it put together. He has real duck feathers on his arrow
that he collected from a coyote kill we found will on a hike at Guajome Lake.

Shooting sequence from left to right

A view from the side
Shortly after he finished the project we had an "Extensive"
talk on archery safety and so far it seems the lesson has taken hold.

Will crashed out on the morning of May 21st, 2005

Will Learning to Surf
Will had been saving up his allowance and gift money
for quite some time and decided to buy a used surf board. Here are some shots from his first
day out with the board on May 30th, 2005. The few days later actually got
up fully upright on the board. Unfortunately, I was at work when it
happened so no pictures of that, however I sure there will be plenty of those in
the future. I see myself in the market for a long board and a wetsuit here
in the near future.