Will started playing the Tri-City Inline Hockey league in the
fall season of 2005. Jake would follow suit the following season so the
entire family has become Hockey buffs and Casey and I are proud parent of two
"Rink Rats". The quality family time that hockey provides has been a
real blessing to the family. Not to mention that is really fast
paced and cool to watch as a spectator.

Spring Season 2006
February 4th 2006

April 22nd, 2006

April 23rd, 2006 Squirts Spring Championship Game

Summer 2006 Season
The summer season is a much for relaxed season as they know
families are going to take vacations and miss games. So instead of having
seat team, players are rotated and switched around throughout the season to both
strengthen their play and and keep the games highly competitive.
June 3rd 2006

June 24th 2006

August 12th, 2006
Most teams do not have full-time goalies in this age bracket so everyone has to
take a turn sometime during the season at being goalie. Today was Will's
turn and he did an excellent job.

August 19th, 2006

Will got some special recognition from the coach at the end-of-season party as
being hardest shooting member of the team. The three pictures above show
way. Take a look at the goalies pad compression when Will's shot hits the
goalie's pads.
August 22nd, 2006

Summer League Championship Game, August 26th 2006

With the team's being switched around throughout the season, everyone got a
Will's game play really stepped up throughout the summer, and
for the fall season, he was pushed up to the next higher age bracket (Pee-Wees,
12-14 year old) a full year early. Unfortunately they play on Friday
nights making getting good shot really hard. Also I became an assistant
coach for Will's team.
Will did exceptional well playing with the much bigger boys
and score a goal during his first game. Throughout the year his play
continued to improve. During the playoffs his team came pulled off an
under dog win to make it to the championship round. They would go onto to
win the championship. Will scored goals in both of those games.
Hockey in 2007

April 21st 2007
Here are some shots from the the playoffs of the Spring 2007

Will playing Goalie

Here is Will messing around with the goalie gear on June 2nd,
2007. He does not play goalie but has fun messing around sometimes.

Here is one of Will's friends Tyler making an awesome save during a game.
What you don't see here is that Tyler was facing the other way just a fraction
of a second ago and this was diving save.

Here is Will during a game. Will is developing a pretty good slapshot. The
picture on the right shows Will flexing the stick during shot. His
shot was recently clocked in July at 62mph.